Annual golf outing & dinner

June 8, 2025

Come join us for the 20th Anniversary of Serenity Recovery Network’s Golf outing! As one of two annual fundraisers, this event funds our operating costs, which allows us to fulfill our primary purpose…to save lives. Your participation and contributions have a direct impact on the people we serve.

Download a PDF of the brochure here.

Serenity Golf Outing Individual Registrations
from $150.00

Registration includes 18 holes with Cart, Lunch & Dinner, Awards, Gift Bags, Prizes and a Silent Auction.

NEW THIS YEAR if you can choose to specify that you do not wish to attend the Banquet following golf.

Sponsorship - Hole Sponsor with or without Golf
from $750.00

Choose from the 3 options below. All packages include a sign at a tee with your name or logo. If you choose Hole Sponsor with a Golf Foursome, you will also receive lunch before teeing off.

NEW THIS YEAR - Choose an Anniversary Hole Sponsorship WITHOUT a reservation for GOLF or DINNER. If you know you are unable to attend but would still like to sponsor a Hole.

Serenity Golf Outing - Dinner Only
from $75.00

Sponsorship - Albatross

Includes a Foursome package, as well as a large banner with your name or logo.

Sponsorship - Eagle

Includes a Foursome package, as well as a large banner with your name or logo.

Event Donation - Unable to Attend
from $25.00

I am unable to attend, but I would like to donate funds.

Sponsorship - Birdie

Includes a Foursome package, as well as a sign at a tee with your name or logo.